Trustee Patrick, Manager Amelia and Chair Matt stand on the steps of No. 10 Downing Street with the door behind them smiling at the camera

Our Campaigns

We lobby and advocate for policymakers to put Integrated Education on the agenda. This is achieved through supporting the work of the Integrated Education Fund and NICIE, alongside running our own initiatives. Find out more about our advocacy work.

The Integrated AlumNI stood on the steps in the Great Hall of Stormont along with the guests of the first Annual Baronness May Blood Memorial lecture and the panelist speakers, all smiling at the camera.

Our Impact

The voices of those with first-hand experience of integrated education are its best advocates. By working together, we are a stronger and successful voice for change. Find out more about our activities and impact. Browse our map of integrated schools in Northern Ireland.

The AlumNI celebrated their 10th birthday along with guests in Lavery's Back Bar along with a birthday cake

Our Network

We couldn’t do any of the work we do without a team of committed and dedicated volunteers. At our core, we are a network of like-minded individuals wanting to make a difference to society. And we have fun too! Find out about our network and social activities.


Supporting the integrated movement


The Integrated AlumNI was founded in 2013 by a group of past pupils and supporters who saw the value in establishing a network of those who had attended an integrated school. As the product of integrated education, we can speak first hand to the value that integrated education has provided us.

Find out more about our vision of what a more integrated education system looks like.